
This is my Stepdad. Dad. He’s been in my life since I was 10 years old. We weren't always the best of friends ( yeah, we went through our issues ), but this man has been there through thick and thin.

He taught me how to change a tire, how to check and change my car’s oil, how to drive a stick, and how to drive in the snow. He taught me how to be self sufficient how to use tools, how to put chains on my car, how to stack wood. All of these things gave me confidence. No chore was off limits for a girl. He taught me to be sturdy.

Richard turns 75 today and I am not in town to share in his celebration. If I was I would thank him for his loyalty, his kindness, his thoughtfulness and his humor. I would kiss his feet for his devotion to our mom and her life with Parkinsons. And he’s been a rock through the loss of our brother .

How much I’ve learned from this man.
I love him.
He makes me laugh and he keeps me tethered to my roots.

Richard, I cheers you and your 75th birthday and I hope we have you for at least 25 more. You are a true individual. I can’t imagine where I would be without you.


Kellie Talbot1 Comment