In the continuing saga of my studio project you recall that I first had to address two other projects so that I could make room. The first step was the laundry room and the second step was tool pantry.

Tool pantry was where everything went to sit and be stored as we worked on projects and collected things. To move forward meant to purge this nook.

The top set of cabinets had already been pulled out of tool pantry and moved to the laundry room. Check! One giant step. The next thing was to move the rest of the cabinets into my studio so we could repaint, seal, install shelves and install a clothing rack into tool pantry.

Here is a picture of all the cupboards stacked up in tool pantry pre-all-projects ( luckily it has doors so I could close up that mess).

Now this room is about 8 feet by 8 feet. Not huge, but does have a pretty tall, yet angled ceiling. SO we have some potential. Like I said, we painted, sprayed foam into all the cracks to keep critters out, got new shelves and installed a clothes rack. Now you can grab that chop saw without moving the sewing machine. Now you can access the sawhorses without moving all the lumber. I was even able to use the last little bit of old uppers as more storage. It was the odd-shaped set and didn’t really belong anywhere. We mounted him to the back wall and his negative space provided the perfect hole for the air compressor.
Ah, joy!

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