GRANTS, New Mexico

Yellow Curls 12x12-web.jpg

I’m back on the road and in search of new signs. That said, I still like to visit signs I’ve already met whenever I get the chance. The painting above is called “YELLOW CURLS” and was part of my show this last August at Patricia Rovzar Gallery in Seattle. Today I am Grants, New Mexico again and I shot the same sign, Here’s a really good example of what I grab from my reference material. Remember! I am not a good photographer, so don’t judge! My cameras are my memory tools—my reference—for when I get back to my studio.


We’ve had to dodge a few snow storms on the drive south and tonight it caught up with us. But I have to say, it’s pretty great to get dusted with snow. As long as we don’t have to drive in it I am okay. And tonight’s dusting isn’t supposed to stick around. We have the Christmas lights up, the heat on—and toasting to Mr. Charley Pride.

Kellie Talbot1 Comment